
Home Forums Competency Based Training For TB Surge And Laboratory Staff How to write an essay about gender?

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    User AvatarJames Thomas

    On the subject of gendering! You should also consider the topic of gender in scientific writing. Whatever you decide to use (indented I, the use of both genders, the underscore, or the use of a single form), you should explain this in a footnote at the beginning of your paper the first time a gender-indicating term is mentioned.

    When referring to persons in the text, both feminine and masculine forms should be used adequately or the use of feminine and masculine forms should be indicated at the beginning of the paper – e.g. with the note: “When referring to persons in the following text, the masculine form is used for the sake of simplicity and better readability. However, both male and female persons are meant.”

    The correction phase
    In scientific papers, especially in a bachelor’s or master’s thesis, not only the technical but also the linguistic requirements are high. Errors should not occur in these texts, which is why the correction phase plays an important role. In addition to checking grammar and spelling, you must also proofread for comprehensibility and content flow. Has your work been read by experienced professional editors?

    Proofreading a bachelor thesis not only gives your work the linguistic finishing touches, but you also receive feedback and comments from the editor that you can use for this and other papers. Besides, you can place an order on one of countless writing services, and get feedback from them. In this case, you will need a reliable writing service. You might notice paperhelp among other services, but is legit?

    It is also recommended to have some time before the deadline and let the work rest for two days. In this way, you will better discover any inconsistencies that you missed during the writing phase. What is important for a bachelor thesis should of course not lose importance for a doctoral thesis or seminar paper. Scientific texts always have to go through a correction phase.

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